Natural Healing, Art & Designs
with MiacCara
Greetings! So happy to meet you on your journey toward enlightenment. If you're looking for new and interesting ways to re-design your life you're in the right place.
Ocean Beach Sandiego CA
Mia's Recommended Daily Affirmations MiaCara ©2020
I will be unafraid of failure so that I may strengthen, and empower myself.
I will use the wisdom from past experiences, and follow the path of heart.
I will act, not re-act in potentially harmful situations.
I will refrain from offering opinions as they are only guesses at the truth, filled with ever-changing doubts.
I will maintain self-respect at all times regardless of the situation.
I will keep things simple, light, and humorous for time-honored harmony.
I will be congruent in everything I say and do and live with integrity.
I will love God by loving mankind, and all species of life.
I will act creatively in every aspect of my life to expand positive outcomes.
I will pray for the courage to take risks without fear and learn from my own mistakes.
I will seek out my highest potential and live with purpose.
I will become a motivating force in my life and for the good of all.
I will not sabotage my efforts when attempting new endeavors.
I will detour around toxic people and situations, blessing them and letting go.
I will take responsibility for my choices without relying on unsolicited advice, thus removing blame.
I will practice compassion for those who provoke, misery, suffering, or pain.
I will learn when to surrender and eliminate struggle and frustration.
I will be open to new ways of thinking that could enhance my life, this and every day.
I will use courage to change bad habits, wasteful thoughts, and negative patterns in my life.
I will make a difference in this moment, and create my own destiny.
I will avoid all conflict and confrontation by giving up the need to defend my point of view.
I will eliminate negative thoughts and thought patterns for health and peace of mind.
To QUIT is to give up. To surrender is SERENITY.